Entries for July 2012
- Pigeon Island Weekend - oh how great it was!
- Date Published: July 30, 2012
Hello all...
Can’t really write a piece... Nuerones not yet realigned... It’s a bit fuzzy...
I really don't remember much about last weekend. Did we really do all that stuff?
So, those who want to submit a more telling account of what actually went on,please...
But just some memories that either stuck or have magically surfaced...
I have a vague recollection of a fabulous beach lime, twenty boats rafted up or anchored in the bay, music playing, drinks flowing... Does it really get much better than this? As someone would say, “Another shitty day in paradise”.

Sara Hart Photo
I remember chef "Rats" and his accomplice hard at work with lobster,fish and bammy. That was one hell of a frying pan... I remember Lisa everywhere, smiling like an open piano, Uwe's eyebrows twitching menacingly, I remember a whole posse of young people all having a good time. Tables, chairs,boom box, taxi service to and from the boats. This is a desert island, forgod’s sake!
Two cats! Did I make that up? When was the last time we had two cats down at Pigeon? Good on you PJ - getting On Y Va up-and-running at the last minute when Mark couldn't make it. And Patrick (Living) - thanks for the tow and for playing host to homeless waifs who wanted to go to Pigeon.
Maybe there's just too much to remember... Miguel – great to have you back -helping out on Steffi when the skipper was laid low with a mystery bug...Justin making sure the buckets were nice and secure on Aurora (did I mentionhow quick...?) and tenderly mauling his skipper back to health with his scathing wit!
I remember thinking - this is magic! Must remember that! But I can't remember what it was...
I certainly remember telling all the skippers it would be light winds all the way back to Kingston... Ha!
And when did we last have a starter's gun? Sounded like Tivoli start up again,and the police launch taking off like a scalded
cat .... And I remember watching Harry Hirsch with a novel and untested twin-headsail arrangement...Blue J disappearing in the distance in a matter of seconds.
And I remember Blue J taking line honours (and winning on corrected time) just heading Chen to the line, the Hirsch amazingly 2nd given the 15+ minutes she must have given the leaders while sorting out the twin-headsail arrangement,and Aurora with third (Steffi 4th, Chen 5th, Mystique 6th, Picante 7th).
And I remember sleeping for 9 hours last night after a very dodgy spell in the shower (it was a balance thing...).
So, thanks everyone, but especially – very especially – Lisa, for making it a fabulous weekend. Anyone who has pics, please send them in so that we can get them up on the web site.
And for those who couldn’t be with us – Mark (Breakaway), Paul (Puella Mea), Ian (Andromeda) and Rupert (Getweh) - you missed a whole heap of fun.
And.... Please visit the refreshed web site: http://www.rjyc.org.jm/
Thanks to David Allen - this is where all the reports, racing instructions, pics and more are going to go.
Next week, Regatta... The fun and frolics - will it never end??